(Contracted 2025) Holmes-Elliott, S., Rosseel, L. & Zenner, E. The Sociolinguistic Toolbox in Development: Preadolescents' Acquisition of Socially Meaningful Linguistic Variation. Under contract: Routledge, due April 2024
Publications & proceedings
(f.c. 2024) Hunt, M., Strange, L. & Holmes-Elliott, S. Gender Penalty? Linguistic discriminations and perceptions of female football commentators, Gender and Language
(2024) Holmes-Elliott, S. & Levon, E. The jet set: Modern RP and the (re)creation of social distinction. Language Variation and Change, 1–22. doi:10.1017/S0954394524000097
(2024) Levon, E. & Holmes-Elliott, S. Voices, bodies, and the cultural organisation of meaning Signs and Society 12(1): 58-82.
(2023) Barnard, M., Hellyer, R. & Holmes-Elliott, S. The urge to unmerge: a case of structural change across the lifespan, Proceedings from the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Prague, Czechia. (pp3627-363). Guarant International.
(2022) Smith, J., & Holmes-Elliott, S. Tracking linguistic change in childhood: Transmission, incrementation, and vernacular reorganization. Language 98(1), 98-122.
(2022) Smith, J., & Holmes-Elliott, S. Mapping syntax and the sociolinguistic monitor (invited submission to Explanations in sociosyntax: Dialogue across paradigms Christensen, Juel Jensen & Tagliamonte (eds)) Cambridge University Press: Cambridge
(2021) Holmes-Elliott, S. Calibrate to innovate: community age vectors and the real time incrementation of language change, Language in Society, 1-34.
(2019) Holmes-Elliott, S. & Turner, J. The emergence of gendered production between childhood and adolescence: A real time analysis of /s/ in Southern British English. Proceedings from the XVIV International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Melbourne, Australia
(2018) Holmes-Elliott, S. & Smith, J. Dressing down up north: DRESS-lowering and /l/ allophony in a Scottish dialect. Language Variation and Change 30, 1 pp. 23-50
(2017) Holmes-Elliott, S. & Levon, E. The substance of style: Gender, social class and interactional stance in southeast England. Linguistics. 55, 5, 5.
(2017) Smith, J. and Holmes-Elliott, S. The unstoppable glottal: tracking rapid change in an iconic British variable. English Language and Linguistics, pp. 1–33.
(2016) Holmes-Elliott, S. Ladies first? Adolescent peaks in a male-led change: TH-fronting in southeast England. Penn Working Papers in Linguistics volume 22.2., Selected Papers from NWAV 44
(2015) Holmes-Elliot, S. London calling: Assessing the spread of metropolitan features in the southeast. Doctoral dissertation, University of Glasgow.
(2015) Holmes-Elliott, S. & Smith, J. DRESS-down: /ε/-lowering in apparent time in a rural Scottish community Proceedings from the XVIII International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Glasgow, UK
(2013) Smith, R., Holmes-Elliott, S., Pettinato, P. & Knight, R. Cross accent intelligibility of speech in noise: Long-term familiarity and short-term familiarisation Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 67:3
(2013) Levon, E. & Holmes-Elliott, S. East end boys and west end girls: /s/-fronting in southeast England Penn Working Papers in Linguistics volume 19.2., Selected Papers from NWAV 41
(2011) Stuart-Smith, J., Smith, R., Rathke, T., Li Santi, F., and Holmes, S. Responding to accents after experiencing interactive or mediated speech, Proceedings of the XVII International Congress of the Phonetic Sciences, Hong Kong
book reviews
(2019) Holmes, Elliott, S. Review: RENA TORRES CACOULLOS & CATHERINE E. TRAVIS, Bilingualism in the community: code-switching and grammars in contact Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018. Journal of Linguistics
(2016) Holmes-Elliott, S. Review: SALI A. TAGLIAMONTE, Teen talk: The language of adolescents. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2016. Pp. 298. Pb. £18.99. Language in Society, 46(5), 742.